For Love of Poetry

I’ll be writing 30 poems in 30 days for the 30/30 Project throughout the month of July.  I’m quite excited about this opportunity because it’s a win-win-win: you can get a tax-deductible charitable deduction on 2015 taxes if you wish; I get my poems published on the Tupelo Press 30/30 blog page throughout July, and we all help Tupelo Press, a leading independent publisher of new and established American poets that publishes books, a literary journal, and chapbooks. Donations go not to me (at all!) but to Tupelo Press.The link to donate and read the poems of the day is below.
I have been asked to participate and have set a goal of $400. Anything you can spare will help–but there are incentives for giving a little more. If you give $30 and email me with a poem request, I will write a poem for you (or your occasion, friend, or family member; give me some information to work with, please). If you give $50, I will travel (within the Capital District of New York State) to your venue to do a poetry reading as my schedule allows or will write you a review of your original poetry (up to 20 pages of poems) for your use. For any donor who wishes, I would be happy to mail you an oversized poem postcard (glossy and suitable for mailing or for framing).
If you can give, please do. Go to , select “DONATE” and be sure to name “Kathleen McCoy” in the “honor” area to credit your gift toward my fundraising pledge. You will have my eternal gratitude, as well as the pleasure of knowing that you are contributing to a meaningful and innovative literary endeavor.

Mama’s Proverbs

IMG_1487in memory of Eva Leah Robinson McCoy

Bite into the apple of love, enjoy its juice
and let the seeds fall all around you.

Lips and hands must measure
before they dispense their wares.

Set an extra plate for an unexpected guest—
someday it could be you.

What you most despise in your sister’s eyes
is what your own reflection reveals.

Darkness and rain
bring birdsong.

A stately house shrinks beside the simple one
whose walls vibrate with laughter.

To stand your tallest,
plant your feet on rock.

No one can schedule a natural birth
and it isn’t over when the cries begin.

Ask for your desire and when you receive it
offer it up again.

When the sun shines, focus its light in your body
and when the rains pour down, the rocks will gleam before you.

Take the hands of children for they fix their eyes on you
and when you grow weak they will scoop you into their arms.

The race goes to the horse
who runs for utter joy.

Kathleen McCoy